In The Church Building System we talk a lot about TEAMs, because “Building the Church” is all about building people, and growing into well-functioning teams. Ultimately we are a part of one Team — The Body of Christ — that is made up of many parts and many teams that must all work together. But where do these teams even come from? You can’s just go to a store and buy one; you can’t order one online.
How you start something is important. The 5 Steps in “How to Start a Team” serve as the preliminary process for setting up a new team, and for onboarding new team members into an existing team. You can apply them in any church, ministry, or business organization.
One step, if done well, will blend over into the next step. If one of these 5 steps seems difficult, you can always take a step or two back and refocus. You can also use these steps to gauge where you currently are with an individual or a team.
Here’s an overview of the 5 Steps in “How to Start a Team”, which we like to refer to as the “5 x Es”.
1. ENVISION - Mark 1:17
ENVISIONING is the intentional and repetitive process of a leader receiving and clarifying the vision and then sharing the vision with the team.
Goal: To Recruit
2. ENGAGE - Mark 2:23
ENGAGING is connecting with people intentionally — learning who they are and how they work. Through this process you involve team members in the work of the Ministry and give them specific opportunities to participate. ENGAGING will help people to commit.
Goal: To Delegate
3. EMPOWER / ENTRUST - Mark 3:14-15
EMPOWERING is delegating and entrusting a task to someone. This requires a level of authority for a given function, task, or position.
Goal: To Facilitate
4. EQUIP - Mark 4:10-14
EQUIPPING is providing people with the necessary tools, training, knowledge, and experience to succeed. Through this process, they will become equipped to train others themselves, but the process starts with you modelling it for them. Goal: To Investigate
5. EVALUATE - Mark 4:37-41
EVALUATION is taking time to review — seeing how well we are doing or how much we have accomplished. Evaluation requires clear values and a plan. This may include evaluating: systems, performance, curriculum, and/or facilities. This should take place in some way within all 5xE's.
Goal: To Redirect
These steps start to create a culture of teamwork that continues in “How to Become a Team”.
Watch the following teaching to learn more about the steps to Start a Team and how they fit within the overall System of Building the Church.
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